Our Story
Leveraging the Law to Empower the Enslaved
Leveraging the right tools, something broken can be reassembled into something beautiful. At The Joseph Project, we believe the law is a powerful tool that can be leveraged to help reassemble the broken pieces of a life shattered by exploitation.
Joseph’s Story
From Evil to Good
Human trafficking is an ancient evil. Since the earliest days of our history, people have been exploiting others for profit.
Consider Joseph.
In the Biblical book of Genesis, Joseph had dreams of leadership. Those dreams were shattered, however, when his jealous brothers stole his colored coat and trafficked him into Egyptian slavery. Consigned to domestic servitude and later imprisoned on false charges, Joseph’s circumstances seemed hopeless.
Yet, behind the scenes, God was leveraging every injustice for good.
By order of the Pharaoh, Joseph was later released from prison and appointed prime minister of the Egyptian empire, leading the country through famine, forgiving his brothers, and living the future of his dreams.
Joseph’s story is history’s earliest-recorded human trafficking incident. His journey from exploitation to empowerment is a testament to the enduring power of faith and perseverance.

D’Lynn’s Story
From Brokenness to Beauty
Like Joseph, many have endured various forms of commercial exploitation through the years. D’Lynn was one of them. For over a decade, D’Lynn was trafficked for sexual services. In the course of her exploitation, she acquired numerous criminal convictions in both Michigan and Washington state, and her credit was ruined.
Eventually, D’Lynn’s controller violently assaulted her.
She was stabbed 9 times.
Her jaw was broken.
Her collar bone was snapped in half.
Her fingers were broken with a hammer.
She was nearly drowned in a bathtub.
She was left to die on a bathroom floor.
Eventually, D’Lynn was dropped off at the entrance to a local hospital, where her severe injuries were treated. Miraculously, she recovered.
Years later, D’Lynn’s life intersected with Nate Knapper – an attorney, a federal law enforcement officer, and a believer in the redemptive power of faith and perseverance. This meeting was the beginning of a special friendship.
As time passed, it became clear to Nate that D’Lynn needed legal counsel. Her medical treatment had left her thousands of dollars in debt, with no insurance to help defray the cost. The hospital had referred her bills to a collection agency, which began coordinating with a law firm to sue D’Lynn for payment. Her criminal record also remained marred by numerous convictions.
Believing that D’Lynn should not be forced to pay the medical bills associated with her own assault, Nate helped D’Lynn seek victim compensation through a state fund.
D’Lynn was then connected to an attorney who specialized in medical debt collection. Working with this attorney on a pro bono basis, D’Lynn was compensated for the payments she made to the collection agency, her credit report was repaired, and the hospital was fully reimbursed for services rendered.
In 2023, D’Lynn’s entire criminal record was also addressed. In coordination with a committed cross-country team of pro bono attorneys, all her outstanding convictions were legally resolved.
Like Joseph, the broken pieces of D’Lynn’s story were beautifully reassembled. Leveraging the law, her record was cleared, her credit was repaired, and her exploiter was arrested. D’Lynn is now the happy mother of three children. She is completing her Master’s degree and looks forward to a bright future.

“You meant evil. God meant good.”
Genesis 50:20
Our Story
From Exploitation to empowerment
Inspired by D’Lynn’s journey, Nate Knapper founded The Joseph Project, a nonprofit organization committed to addressing the legal collateral damage associated with human trafficking. In coordination with a growing network of Legal First Responders who deliver pro bono legal services to human trafficking survivors, we help others like D’Lynn transition from exploitation to empowerment.
Because as Joseph’s story demonstrates, broken dreams can be reassembled into beautiful futures. It just takes a little leverage – and a little faith.